Solid polishing wax
- Product name: polishing wax (blue wax, white wax, green wax, purple wax, black wax) Application: The application of polishing wax is as follows: polishing process is generally divided into: rough polishing, medium polishing, fine polishing, mirror polishi...
- Consultation hotline:13711993170
Product details
Product name: polishing wax (blue wax, white wax, green wax, purple wax, black wax)
Use: The application of polishing wax is as follows: polishing process is generally divided into: coarse polishing, medium polishing, fine polishing, mirror polishing. Rough polishing: Generally, the factory uses abrasive belt, thousand leaf wheel, nylon wheel or steel grinding wheel to remove the rough lines on the product surface. Medium polishing: generally use hemp wheel (or wool wheel)+purple wax (black wax) to remove the rough lines of the product, and the product is bright after polishing. Fine polishing: Generally, rough polishing cloth wheel (rag wheel) or wind polishing (wheel)+polishing white wax or green wax are used to polish the product surface.
Rough polishing: red polishing wax
Red wax is used in the rough polishing process, which is suitable for the rough polishing of stainless steel, iron, aluminum, copper, zinc alloy and other materials. For example, tableware, fishing gear accessories, and various hardware pieces are used together with hemp wheels to remove trachoma, burrs, etc. to smooth the rough surface.
Rough and medium polishing: black wax series
Main ingredients: low aluminum corundum, grease, used in the rough polishing process, suitable for polishing stainless steel, tableware, castings, etc., mainly used to remove trachoma, burrs, etc., to smooth the rough surface. Roughly and moderately polished, with strong cutting force, general brightness, rich oil and strong versatility.
Medium polish: white polishing wax
White polishing paste consists of stearic acid, fatty acid, aluminum oxide powder, monoglyceride, paraffin, sheep
The main ingredient is aluminum oxide, which is suitable for fine polishing of metals and nonmetals.
Fine polishing: green series,
Green or white polishing paste. It is composed of stearic acid, monoglyceride, beeswax, paraffin wax, lanolin, a proper amount of chrome oxide green and aluminum oxide powder with good light yield. The main components are chrome oxide green and aluminum oxide. Suitable for mirror polishing of workpieces.
Fine polishing: blue wax series
For stainless steel 316304 products, such as mirror stainless steel watchband, belt head, stainless steel jewelry, titanium alloy and other products.
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